January Oh, Hello Done! Goal

So, full disclosure, I’m on try two typing this and have now learned my lesson to save after each picture because the Internet hates me.

Anyway, let’s get on to the goal shall we? January’s Oh, Hello Done! goal is to make something from your Pinterest board. But, don’t feel you’re restricted to something only from Pinterest - feel free to make something you’ve found on Instagram, a blog, YouTube, or other online resource. Our goal here is to get it off our board and into our homes.

Oh Hello Done! January Goal

So, when I was planning out what I’d do for January, here’s the things I considered:

1) What projects have I just finished? How complicated were they?

2) What projects do I have on the to-do list? For me, this will be the January block of the BOM I’m doing for 2020.

3) What projects will be coming back to me?

4) How busy is our personal calendar?

5) What do I have in my stash?

After I took all those items into consideration, I settled on making the Double Slice Layer Cake Quilt. Not only do I have some inspiring pins using this pattern, there’s also some tutorials from Missouri Star Quilt Company on YouTube.


This image is from Poppyprint’s flickr, but there’s a lot of inspiration on Pinterest by searching Double Slice Layer Cake Pattern. The next reason I picked this quilt is because all I needed was a layer cake. And, I found a perfect one in my stash. It was a freebie with purchase from a trip to Missouri Star. And, since it isn’t a normal pattern/color selection I’d pick, I didn’t want to invest too much more than the layer cake into using it.


What do we think? Everybody have something they’ve been wanting to make from their online “I love this!” pile? Remember to share it with me so we can keep the inspiration going! On Instagram, tag me (handle above) and include the two hashtags #ohhellodone2020 and #ohhellojenny so I can see.

Let’s start 2020 with a completed project!


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Catching Up - Keeping Promises