Let's Catch-Up

Here we are again where I’ve taken a significant break from posting here on the blog. There have been many reasons for this.

The first being that work was taking too much of my energy; this was both in the amount of mental capacity it was taking and the hours I was putting in. Sitting down at the sewing machine to do anything was unappealing. However, during this time I was honest with myself and have been able to find a new job that will help bring balance back not only for my sewing and the blog, but my family as well.

I’ve also been doing some restructuring in what this blog needs to be and my goals. I’ve decided I want to do pattern reviews, but those will take more time to put together not only from a quilt/pattern construction perspective, but how to post them as well. Then, what content should I deliver more frequently.

So, for now, I think I’m landing on a week in review type post, pattern review posts, and things I learn along the way. I still have dreams of writing my own patterns and opening a little shop here too.

So, let’s catch-up, shall we.

First, I’ve jumped head first into making ByAnnie bags. I’ve completed her Easy Does It entry-level pattern and am joining a May Sew-A-Long to make the Ultimate Travel Bag.

I also decided to make Laundry Basket Quilt’s first Mystery Quilt of 2022. Yes, I know my other one isn’t completed yet. But, I had found some material in cleaning up some items and it felt like a good re-use for it…so…I kicked it off too.

I’ve been keeping up with my other block of the months and honestly, for the few months I’ve felt down, they were life savers…I had one block to make with minimal pieces to cut and not a lot of brain capacity needed.

I was also able to go to some guild classes - made some fun postcards and learned more about color theory!

I am so thankful for all of you here and sticking with me. I will likely share more later, but I’m definitely learning more about what I need and want in my career and personal life.

Love you all!


Fat Quarter Napkins


January All People Quilt UFO Challenge Results