March Oh Hello Done Goal

Wow - where did this month go? I realized yesterday that “OH CRAP!” I hadn’t posted the March Oh, Hello Done! Goal. It doesn’t feel like the end of the month, let alone mid-month; which is when I told myself I would post the next month’s goal. Well, here’s looking at you April to do a better job.

So, without further ado, here’s March’s goal:

March Oh Hello Done Goal

So, what is a first third? We are entering that time of year when the school year, and life in general, gets busy. So, for the next three months, what I want us to accomplish is completing a third of a project every month. So, for March, pick any project you want to work on - brand new or one you’ve started - and divide the work that’s to be done/left to be done into thirds. We will complete the first third in March, the second third in April, and the final third in May. We’re going to slow down and allow ourselves time to enjoy this project and any other events we need to attend.

I think I’m going to work on the baby quilt for my cousin - in March, I’ll cut everything, April I will piece and put together the top, and then in May, I’ll get it quilted and bound.

That’s the plan. I’m still working on my February goal - but hey, I’ve still got two days left this month (and I’m on vacation tomorrow)!

My February has not been one for consistently working on one project - I’ve jumped here and then over to there and then picked up a random item over yonder. So, if you were wondering why the blog posts were light, I honestly didn’t have anything in a finished state to get you. However, a little sneak peek at what is coming at you (hopefully tomorrow) soon:

Snowflake Quilt Quilting Close Up

I got my Snowflake quilt back from the quilters at Prairie Flower Crafts and bound last night. And, she is beautiful and warm. I am extremely please with how she turned out and can’t wait to show you. But, I’ve needed my quilt model helper and good sunlight and hopefully I will have both tomorrow for the full reveal.

I have also started a temperature quilt - I REALLY want to go to Quiltcon next year and they put out a call to do a temperature quilt for 2020 and bring them to Quiltcon in 2021.

Temperature Quilt Sneak Peak

I have January all done and I’ll work up a write up soon here - but, here’s my question for you all. I’m thinking about drafting up every month as a pattern and offering it up here. I’ll do each month individually - at the end of the year, I’ll offer up the full pattern for purchase. How I have this structured you can do each month as a quilt block, pillow, or mini quilt. I’ll work up the “freebie” as the mini quilt. Leave me a comment on if you would like this - I’ll do this if there’s enough interest. Otherwise, I’ll wait to release a full pattern at the end of the year.

Whew! Well, that about catches me up for February. March is right there around the corner and I hope it’s bringing warmer weather.

How are your projects and goals coming? We’re already two months into 2020 - can you believe it?


Snowflake Quilt Done!


Still Up-To-Date - February Paper Chain Block Done