November 2022 - Savannah Color Palette

Midwest weather can be weird in the fall. We can go from a 90 degree day to 50 in a matter of moments. This is what makes it hard for me to get into the fall mood. That PSL just isn’t as satisfying with the air conditioner on, you know.

But, we came home from vacation and our trees were turning and Missouri is now painted in beautiful reds, oranges, and yellows.

While on vacation, I spent time on the plane reading last month’s color palette book, “The Nature of Witches.” Then, on the last leg, I started this month’s book, “The Kingdoms of Savannah.”

I picked this book as I was in love with the sunset, orange chair, and moody vibe the book was putting off.

I picked up the pale pink and orange from the sky and its reflection in the water. The green came from within the trees - it’s so subtle. The dark brown came from the wood in the chair and while my lighter brown appeared to, I think my background bricks picked up. So, while I didn’t pull the orange this time, the colors were playing well together.

I’m already thinking of a version 2.0.

When I went to build my block, I realized that this month may be a lesson in looking at color on the internet. The color selections for my Paintbrush Studio Fabrics Solids were close, but in their internet versions, were much darker.

I was a bit anxious making this run to the fabric store. I had no idea what these colors were going to look like and how well the color pull was going to turn. I always am open to changing my original pull because I know when I’m in the store, I could find a color that works better.

However, I shouldn’t have feared. The colors are gorgeous and play so well together! My only disappointment was that our tree still had green leaves and wasn’t orange for this picture. Here’s the fabrics:

  • 18 - Petal

  • 181 - Shortbread

  • 034 - Hunter

  • 174 - Brick

  • 170 - Java

This pull is putting me in a total Thanksgiving mood! I may need to make a table runner in these colors. The browns have a bit more red in them, the lights pull out the sky, and the green is an amazing transition/accent color.

I’m currently still in process of reading the book. It’s a mystery/crime tale based on a true story. So far I’m liking the connections and I have suspicions. I hope the book keeps me guessing; I hate when I can immediately guess the “who done it.”

Hope you all are transitioning into fall and settling in with some good reads.


December 2022 - Winter Rose Color Palette


The Sewing Table - October 2022