ooto - vacation updates

hello, everyone! i meant to write on vacation, but, well, it was vacation. it was our annual family reunion in branson. and while i got my perfect half square triangle block of the month caught up through the month or may, with the sewing machine being out of commission and then taking a week of vacation, my summer samplers are behind. thankfully, i’ve got a four day weekend coming up thanks to the fourth of july holiday.

we (xman, my parents, and myself) started our vacation off early and tried out the mini-golf at the nelson atkins and took in a royals game.


we headed to branson on sunday and stayed through thursday - we took in a show, made it to quilts and quilts - the fabric store (where i spent too much money!), and then made it for a bike ride in dogwood canyon (my favorite part of our vacation).


i picked up a copy of the quilt block cookbook and can’t wait to work through this collection of 50 blocks! i think after I wrap up my summer and kinship sampler (100 days 100 blocks project) - i may do this as a study in how different a block can look between materials. i’ve got some ideas brewing.


speaking of ideas - on our way home, we stopped by big brutus, the largest electric shovel in the world. ps - this picture does not do the true size justice - this big boy is huge! can you spot my little man in this picture? he’s pushing five foot these days - he’s by the bucket if you can spot him!


while up close, and after having my mom take a picture of me in the wheels, i noticed how pretty some of the “wheels” are (sorry, i’m not sure what these are technically called). i looked closer and noticed the beautiful angles and coloring - this wheel would make a gorgeous quilt! this wheel MUST be made into a quilt!


i love my state, kansas. and finding treasures like this that i can incorporate into something lasting is amazing. i’ve got some ideas…oh, so many ideas for this!

friday i spent learning more about my sewing machine and falling in love even more with my gracie clare. i’ve made some adjustments in my process and am already seeing improvements. tomorrow is 5th saturday at prairie flower and i plan to pick up some more supplies!

hope everyone has had a great week!


caught up - perfect half square triangles block of the month


corner beam airplane quilt