caught up - perfect half square triangles block of the month

whew - even though it’s july 1st and the new block was released today (i have until the end of the month to complete the block), i am all caught up on my perfect half square triangle blocks from freshly pieced.

since i’ve already walked through the process, i’m only going to highlight the blocks and some learnings.

the first, i’ve found using a combination of pressing the seams open and then to the side works best. i have been pressing the seams open on the triangles and then nesting if the pattern specifically calls for it or to help joining sections together.

i also think my left and rights are different from the rest of the world as i’ve always got at least one seam going the opposite direction than the pattern says.

whelp, nobody sees the inside of the quilt now do they! shall we get on to the blocks?

but, on the plus side, sewing my quarter inch seam is improving - i can tell because my blocks are getting closer and closer to being the size the pattern says they should be.

the april block was the dupont star. with a few of these, especially the middle here, I would’ve rather used one square and snowballed the corners for fewer seams. but, that’s not what this block of the month wants to teach me, so, i’ll deal with it.


this the the hillcrest star and it was may’s block. at first I wasn’t crazy about this one, but the more I stare at it on my design wall, the more i fall in love with it.


this is the crystal star and it was the june block - this one is one of my favorites. i do wish some of the orange would’ve gotten into this one, but i’m following the color suggestions recommended by the pattern…and it’s still turning out beautiful.


i really, really want to get a block that uses my orange and the purple together - i am not so patiently waiting for this.

hope you enjoy these blocks - this is really a fun process to follow and has been a fun quilt to put together!

i’m working on getting my summer sampler blocks caught up and started my 100 days 100 blocks quilt a long - it’s a busy summer ahead.


kinship sampler - 100 days 100 blocks


ooto - vacation updates