sneak peak - snowflake quilt top

one thing i love about being in a quilt guild - they keep the inspiration flowing. our kc modern quilt guild posts a “one monthly goal.” so, for november, to keep my mojo going, i set a goal to get my snowflake top done and to the quilter. and guess what?

it’s going to happen!

i finished up my snowflake quilt by modern handcraft top this weekend and when i go home for thanksgiving, it will be dropped off at prairie flower crafts for quilting.

i feel so awesome right now.

so, for my quilt top posts, i’m going to start doing something a bit different. quilt tops will now be sneak picks. i’ll post a favorite part/block and a “mushed” version of the top (you know, to prove it is done). then, once i have it quilt and bound, i’ll do a full reveal. plus, i’m hoping this will help me bind my quilts faster as i HATE binding my quilts.

so, first, i picked two blocks to showcase to you - one will give you a good idea of all the scrappiness in the quilt. i am in love with the blue and pink - in fact, i’m planning to go with a pink thread to do the quilting in a snowflake pattern.

snowflake quilt - scrappy block

i am absolutely in love with the ruby star material - this is the blue that has the bear. isn’t he just too cute? there’s also pieces with a hedgehog, owl, moon, sunflower. it was just gorgeous. and the geometric type print from andover fabrics, there wasn’t a bad way to cut it. there simple wasn’t a bad piece.

next is one of my favorite snowflake blocks. i still have yet to get a good picture with the metallic coming out. the metallic was a linen type material and i did not like sewing this. while gorgeous, it had a lot of give and was slick going through my sewing machine. it required concentration for sure.

snowflake quilt - snowflake

so, here it is - here’s the top. obviously, i’m new at the “mushy” quilt top technique i am in love with on instagram. but, i’ll be practicing more and there will be more tops to do this with.

snowflake quilt - mushed top

what do you think? this quilt was extremely fun, easy, and quick to make. even the scrappy version. i’ll post my review with the full quilt review. what fall - winter - holiday quilts are you working on? leave me a comment below!


Pre-Thanksgiving Ramblings...


i'm back - and news