i'm back - and news

there really isn’t an excuse for being gone for what, three months. so, not only do i owe you quilts, but i feel i have some explaining.

first - and quite simply - my quilting mojo was gone. just gone. my mom and quilt buddy “s” (i’m not sure she wants named - i better check that!) can attest i wasn’t talking quilts, wasn’t sewing them, i was just done. i have my 100 blocks, perfect half squares, and summer sampler on hold. and honestly, i think doing those…all three of them, was a part of the burnout. but i learned a valuable lesson - i won’t do those types of quilts likely again. for one, the perfect half square and summer sampler, one block could take eight hours to do (that was my longest time - not all of them were). honestly, my 100 blocks will more than likely get picked up first…those i could get five hammered out in a day. but, lesson learned…no more blocks of the month until i’m retired :)

two - nothing was inspiring me. it was gone. i put some of this on my job situation. in my last post i talked about leaving my previous job, but my new one had taken a bit more out of me than i expected. i was focused on learning my new job, i didn’t have much energy left for anything else. it was a rough patch. however, i have decided i may start hand binding my quilts because then i can take them with me on my work trips (and then my aunt will have to admit i’m a “real” quilter).

third - i think i really missed my kiddo this summer and without his little voice of encouragement, i did get a bit “what is the point."

rough patches happen…but then, the light started to come out.

my friend “s” and i headed to hamilton, mo together and i got material to finish a project and found a beautiful blue…and then…i found two patterns - the not your basic blue bag and snowflake quilt. then, a little trip to the fabric chic and a sew day with “s” and BAM - LET ME QUILT ALL THE THINGS!

it’s back everyone - the quilting mojo is back. so, i should be posting regularly (right now, the goal is once a month while school is in session, but i do hope for weekly) and bringing back all the quilty goodness you’ve missed.

i wish i had some solid i did x, y, and z and my mojo was back. it was actually a series of things and patient friends that gave me space and yet kept me inspired because they kept sewing and sharing.

here’s my fabric pull for my snowflake quilt -


this pull is brought to you by the fabric chic. the white is a gorgeous metallic that i have yet to pick up perfectly in a picture.

now, if you follow me on instagram, i post my quilt progress to my stories - fabric pulls, quilt tops, and finish projects are saved for my feed and blog.

so, here’s to a fresh quilting start and lessons learned about myself.

i’ve missed you all!


sneak peak - snowflake quilt top


it has been a hot minute - let's catch up