
Hello, everyone - it has, yet again, been a minute.

This quarantine…well, year…has taken a lot out of me. Life has been a series of just keeping up and I’ve not been in a mood to quilt.

I re-examined my goals and what I want quilting to be to me. I decided I wasn’t getting as much enjoyment out of quilting as I hoped. I have focused more on creating content than sewing to make me happy. That being said, I’m still quilting, but making sure it’s more for me, when I want, and what I want to create.

I did participate in the Jumbo Spider Sew-A-Long hosted by Pen and Paper Patterns and have another quilt top in the books.

Jumbo Spider Quilt

I had some fun stars and swirls quilted into the top and it’s backed in a minky black. We are loving it on these cool Kansas days.

During this crazy thing we call a year, I returned to what has truly kept me calm and somewhat sane during hard times; reading and writing. This has brought me clarity that my sewing and quilting needs to be more hobby than something I try to turn into a side gig or try to pour out oodles and oodles of content on.

I’ve missed getting lost in a good story and recently, these stories I’ve had in my head have really been pushing to get out of my head. About a week ago, I sat down next to my son and simply started writing. It felt great!

So, this site will be transitioning. You’ll start to see more book reviews, and writing updates. There won’t be a shop, a pattern, or any more monthly quilting challenges. The site will more than likely get a redesign.

This month, I reengaged with and have decided to participate in NaNoWriMo. November is National Write a Novel Month and this organization helps facilitate writing a 50,000 novel the month of November. Yes, you read that right - write a novel in a month.

I’ve been prepping for November by researching more about story structure and my subject matter. Looking through some magazines to start to understand the industry. It’s been fun getting engaged in the writing community and feel some energy return to my soul.

NaNoWriMo Prep One

I finally got a new desk set-up in my office space for the day job. I moved the old desk to my room and turns out, is the perfect writing desk.

Writing Space

If you’re wondering what those sticky notes are, those are word count trackers. Every 1,000 words, I’ll take one of the stickies down, help making my November goal for NaNoWriMo visual.

Word Tracker Stickies

Nothing like a transition during the season of Fall. Bottom line, there will still be some quilting and sewing, but it won’t be the same as before. I don’t yet know how much I’ll blog about writing and reading. Right now, if you want to stay up-to-speed, it will be best to follow me on my Instagram account.

I’m excited for the changes to come - thank you, all of you, for your continued support!


Finding Quilting Again


July Oh, Hello Done! Goal