July Oh, Hello Done! Goal

It doesn’t feel like it was a month ago I posted our goal for June - time feels weird these days. I am tired, I’ll admit it. But, I did wake up today feeling ready to create. So, that being said, let’s get the July Oh, Hello Done! Goal kicked off, some pattern release talk, and get to creating.

In July, our goal is to use a tool we have in our stash. Have a new HST tool, template, new sewing machine foot? The goal is to use it this month.

July Oh, Hello Done! Goal - 2020

This month I will again be using a Studio 180 Tool - the Four Patch Square-Up.

Four Patch Square Up

Deb Tucker posted a beautiful pattern, Zen Garden, and I had to have it. And, that also meant a fun trip to the quilt store too.

Studio 180 - Zen Garden Pattern

I have been adding color palettes to my Pinterest Boards like crazy and found this beautiful picture of a wheat field, ready for harvest, with a stormy sky. I used that as inspiration for my fabric pull for this pattern. So, I’m naming my version of this quilt “Stormy Wheat.”

Stormy Wheat Fabric Pull

I wrapped up the first draft of my first pattern. I can’t believe it! My mom also picked up my first test quilt from the quilt shop and it should be coming home soon. The draft is off to my first two trusted “testers” for a first read through and make attempt. Now, comes the nervous part. You’ll start to see some changes around the site like a link to my future shop.

In other news, I still can’t take pretty quilt “swirl” shots. But, here’s a sneak peek at the first test top of my pattern.

Pattern Release Sneak Peek

Please, laugh at my “swirl” pain. It’s real, it won’t get better. So, be prepared for more sneak peak shots that are horribly “mushed.”

Well, I have my Marvel movies going and the sewing machine is calling my name. I wish you all a productive and creative week.




June Oh, Hello Done! Goal