Finding Quilting Again

Amazing things happen when you make it in to Quilt Guild.

Like the wash of inspiration that hits you and you immediately want to go home and create.

2020 and 2021 have seen a lot of changes in our household; and, if you remember from this time last year, I thought that meant a redirection with my blog and quilting. Well, I did do one thing and I have kept quilting. But, I didn’t do a lot of reading or writing like I thought I would.

I have a boyfriend now (gasp! for those of you who really know me), am a pug mom, and moved into a house.

So, there’s been lots of changes.

Also, while good because it means the ability to buy quilt material, work was super busy this last year. Part of it was I wasn't setting good work/life boundaries too. However, at the end of the summer, I realized what I was doing and started putting some more pieces into play to help keep these boundaries. It’s going better, but still a work in process.

In September of this year, I went on my first Central Kansas Quilt Shop Hop and that really ignited my quilt fire! The talent and ability on display in these shops was amazing. Also got in some good time with my Mom as we traveled around central Kansas. Here’s one of the blocks from store!


I’m getting all settled in and have projects underway. Including a super secret one for someone special!

I also found my quilt pattern design book and started doodling again. I have loads in my mind!

So, I’ve circled back to quilting and my blog and a way to connect more with you. I do hope to open a shop as while on shop hop and in trying to find patterns for some projects, I’ve found some areas maybe I can fill a gap in.

So, what’s next - well, I’ll start with some project posts and getting you all caught up with my quilting life. Next, I am setting a goal to publish a quilt pattern in 2022! I’m pondering some quilting goals and bringing back “Oh, Hello Done!” in some fashion. I did complete a ghost table topper for Halloween (before Halloween even) and it’s been on our table ever since. This was the 2021 Fall Front Runner Pattern from All People Quilt.


To keep you enticed, here’s one last project sneak peek!


Quarter One - Block Party Review

