December Wrap-Up

These last few months have gone by in a blur. My “bills” job (you know, the one that pays the bills so I can have this fun) has not slowed down and has left me fairly mentally exhausted.

Not to mention the mom responsibilities like cooking, hauling kids, and trying to keep myself healthy.

If I’ve been in my craft room, I’ve been more in a mood to create; not necessarily work on my pattern. I’ve yet again entered this vicious cycle that I don’t know how to stop.

So, I’ve been working on resetting expectations and looking at where I want to focus and work. These last few months have not been a total waste and at the start of this month, I felt some creativity creep back.

I’ve started reading again; a lot of you have requested I bring back the color palettes and so, I’m putting together a reading plan and working to release these again in 2025. And, working on better templates and process to release these to you…and maybe, just maybe, offer some fabric bundles on the site.

Let’s turn back to December, shall we?

This month I was treated to a quilting road trip. John and I packed up and took a road trip to Paducah, KY and on the way back, made a stop in Hamilton, MO for some quality time at Missouri Star Quilt Company. It was nice to spend time away and I had plenty of reading time on the journey.

The mural wall displayed an impressive history of Paducah. I loved learning about all the industry that travels on our rivers and their quaint downtown. Although, we learned the hard way that nearly everything is closed on Mondays, so if you’re planning a trip, keep that in mind.

The National Quilt Museum wasn’t closed Monday, so we hit that up. Here’s a few of my favorites that were on display while we were there.

I finished a couple of books on the trip. Below is a peek at “Whichwood”, a middle-grade book that is definitely giving off a winter color palette vibe.

Quilting wise I worked some more on organizing my sewing space, bound my friend Tiffany’s quilt, wrapped up my Jovie Quilt from Mommy & Me Quilt Co’s quilt along, finished my checkered garden blocks, and started messing around with some scraps for a Jen Kingwell quilt.

Jovie is a must make it’s a quick make with clear instructions. I was able to adapt it to use a fat eighth bundle; Noel from Laundry Basket Quilts.

How Jovie Started…

How Jovie Finished…

Wrapping up Tiffany’s quilt helped get me into the Christmas spirit…and is another example of how I’m really starting to enjoy a solid border. It provides a nice, simple frame and in this case, really pulls out the browns in the background fabric.

Thank you for following along with me. In looking back, I did get a lot done…mental exhaustion not withstanding.

I hope you all are having a happy holiday season - see you in 2025!


January and February Wrap-Up


September Wrap-Up - A Year of Stash & Scraps