Let's Set Some Goals!

Well, here I am on a wild and crazy Friday night, watching my Missouri Star tutorials…prepping to practice some more machine quilting on my Gracie Clare.

My mother would tell you I have a material - project problem…too much and too little time to do it all. I also like goal setting. And, thanks to Sheria, I’m limiting myself to one block-of-the-month (BOM). Finally, I want to get more blog content to you all, so I asked myself what could I do that would combine all of the above; get projects done, give me the feel of a BOM, AND get more content to you all.

This was how I came up with the 2020 Oh, Hello Done! Goals.

What I’ve worked on is a monthly goal for 2020 to use up items in your stash, get projects done, dig out some patterns, and use some tools maybe you haven’t in a while. Want to get to the plan? Let’s go.

January - Make it from Pinterest. Go to your Pinterest or Instagram account and find that quilt or quilt project you’ve been eyeing and make it!

February - Pre-cut. Use a pre-cut from your stash for a project.

March - 1st Third. Pick a project and then divide completing the project into three parts. In March, you’ll complete the “1st Third.”

April - 2nd Third. Complete the second third of your project.

May - Final Third. Complete that last third of the project (and turn it into the quilter if you made a quilt!).

June - Use a pattern from your stash. It can be from the Internet, Pinterest, a book, a magazine. Only caveat is that you already had it on hand.

July - Use a tool. Find one of your tools, for me, this will be a cutting template more than likely. But, get out that tool that you HAD to HAVE and use it to knock out a project.

August - Finish a holiday project. This one could be one you’ve started or one you’d like to make, but we’re starting BEFORE the holiday season so we can actually have our quilt back from the quilter in time to enjoy it for the holiday season.

September - Make the next block. This is for a project that’s started and you’ve just been hung up on finishing. This month we’ll just make one more block (If you get in the mood, do another! But…)

October - Make just one more block. Make that next one, find your grove and knock out another block in this pesky project we just want to get done!

November - Finish the rest! Finish this quilt. Get it done, get it out of that unfinished objects pile and let’s be ready for the new year (Yeah, we’re almost to 2021 now!)

December - Make a donation. This month, in service to those less fortunate than us, I’d like to see us all donate a quilt. Give to your favorite charity of choice and give a quilt to a deserving home.

Don’t those sound fun? I’ve tried to leave these open so you can do a project or a quilt - it really is your call for what you want to get done. I also tried to have some intentional slower months when we all get busy with life.

Some details - I’ll blog a pre-post every month with the next month’s details, a reminder of the upcoming goal is. This will be sometime during the middle of the month so you can have sometime to gather and plan your project. That means look for January’s soon! Then, I’ll post a wrap-up post around the last week of the month.

Head over to Instagram so you can follow along - I’ll be posting the challenges there along with what I’ve made and sharing inspiration from you. I may even have some prizes, who knows!

So that I can see your posts and share, make sure to tag me with my Instagram handle (@oh_hellojenny) and use the “official” hashtags - #ohhellodone2020 and #ohhellojenny. I will be following these hashtags and sharing some of my favorites on my story.

Want to play along? I’ll post the official welcome soon, but download this picture and share on your Instagram account that you are in to complete your 2020 Oh, Hello Done! Goals.


Don’t have an Instagram account? Well, you can set one up, but also, feel free to post a picture in the comments section of the appropriate month’s post!

I can’t wait to see what all you make - more importantly, the dents you make in your project stacks! Let’s have a great 2020 year in quilting!


Catching Up - Keeping Promises


November Goal Met!