May Oh, Hello Done! Goal

Is anyone else having a hard time believing it’s going to be May in just a few days? The weather is finally starting to act like it, but with being home everyday, no baseball, and no scurry of end-of-year activities, it’s hard to believe the May flowers will soon be here.

I finished my April Oh, Hello Done! goal and you’ll see the posting soon (more than likely tomorrow). I wanted to make sure I got May’s goal out to you first.

So, May is our 3rd Third Goal - you finish the final third of the project you’ve been working on this past March and April.

May Oh Hello Done Goal

So, for my 3rd third, I’ll be getting my quilt off to the quilter's and then bind it. Hopefully, even with COVID, this will be able to be done. However, that being said, I’m also challenging myself to finish my February goal quilt, my hexagon quilt. What is with me not wanting to sew this quilt??? I have no idea - it is the bane of my existence right now.

In other exciting news, I started designing and writing my first quilt pattern! I made the first test run and I’m making some adjustments and thinking of adding a bigger size. Look for it later in the year - I’m really excited to start this journey! Take a look below, I’ve included a sneak peak for you.

Diminishing Returns Quilt Sneak Peak

I have been keeping up with my Paper Chain BOM and finished my April Block - Chrysler Building. Here’s a peak at it and all of the blocks to-date.

Chrysler Building Paper Chain BOM - April
Paper Chain BOM To-Date

These are turning out to be beautiful. I was worried a bit as this was the first time I used the darker blue and it was looking really out of place before I started getting the pieces together with April’s block. But, I think it turned out great. As I was making this block, I was wishing I would’ve used more Best Press, so I think I may spray my material with another round before making May’s block.

Whew - that was a catch-up for sure! How has everyone’s quarantine been?

What projects have you been getting done? What’s on your plate for your 3rd Third? Let me know in the comments below!


April Oh, Hello Done! Goal Complete - Pattern Review


Week 2 - Mini Series Sew-A-Long