Week 2 - Mini Series Sew-A-Long

Here in the KC area, we’ve completed the first week of our quarantine - yea us! Thankfully, my work has kept me busy and the first week has gone fast. I’m also calling someone daily, reading, cooking for myself, and trying to get caught up on my quilting. If you caught my Instagram stories, you saw I was pondering only sewing on the weekend to help me know time was passing and it was the weekend, but…I think I may go back on that idea. The creative bug is starting to hit again - even though I can NOT get the motivation to finish my hexagon quilt from February to hit. That quilt’s been sent to time out so it can think about what it’s done.

But, I’m up-to-date and done with the Week 2 Block for the Alison Glass/Giucy Giuce Mini Series Sew-A-Long. This week it was the Courthouse Steps Block.

Week 2 Mini Series Sew-A-Long - Courthouse Steps

This block went together super fast - this time, once i got a bit out of the way of the middle, i was able to sew on two pieces at a time. When I first colored my paper piece, I tried the dark colors in my bundle on one side and the light on the other - needless to say, I wasn’t thrilled with how it turned out. And, since there were eight pieces on each side, I could use each piece twice. So, I’m even more happy with myself for coloring first and cursing less!

I did get a shot of Gloria Clare so you could see how much I slowed her down. My mother would tell you me sewing down is a miracle as I complain when I can’t get my Peggy (Volkswagen Bug) up to at least 70 mph on the on ramp to the freeway. However, slowing Gloria down really does help the piece from getting away from you and lets me focus on the sew line and staying straight.

Sewing Machine Speed Setting

I am still staying with the idea of a mini quilt - I’m thinking of placing the blocks vertically in the center. Right now, I’m trying to determine how much space I want in between the blocks, but I’ve got some time to get that all figured out.

So, here’s Week 1 and 2 side-by-side:

Week 1 and 2 Mini Series Sew-A-Long

What do you think? Ready to try a mini block? Let me know what you think in the comments!


May Oh, Hello Done! Goal


It's A Sew-A-Long