Planning 2022 and December Wrap-Up

2021 was not a good year for me as far as quilting went. I completed only a few projects and lost my mojo. I don’t know if it was pandemic related or simply lack of motivation.

We also moved and that zapped some energy. However, in the end - having a new space did eventually jump start the creative spark in me. I was also able to make a few trips to Hamilton again after they re-opened, started going back to guild meetings, and attended a shop hop with my mom.

I’ve got some big things planned for 2022, my quilting, and my blog. So, I bought a goal planner - this is from Ink & Volt and made some notes and planned out what I’d like to accomplish. This planner is strictly quilting and blog only goals and they’re already keeping me on task and better able to see the month, and year, ahead. I also got a goal pad that I’ve re-vamped to take my notes when I make quilt tops and give my reviews to you.

I also want to get some unfinished objects (UFO’s) out of my space. I follow All People Quilt on Instagram and annually they have their UFO Challenge. You pick 12 projects and every month they draw a number and that’s the project you work on for the month. I picked 12 and then in the status before I put a combo of where the project is and what “finished” will look like for me. You can see I have a range here of items to complete - of course, with being on vacation this week there were a few I wanted to dig into but then had to stop.

I was pretty proud of my December - I competed two quilts, finished a top, and kept up with my mystery quilt blocks. Here’s a few sneak peaks of the finished quilts and top.


Finished Quilt Interruption - Supernova


Block 3 - Laundry Basket Quilts Mystery Quilt Results