summer sampler week one

it’s been a minute, hasn’t it! it has legit been end-of-year madness at our house with my graduation last weekend and the kiddo’s last day being today. i’ve been catching up on sleep and spending extra time with the kiddo before he went with his dad.

but now grad school is done and summer is here - even if the entire state of kansas is underwater. i’m so happy i live in a second-floor apartment!

however, i did take monday off and completed week one’s block of the summer sampler quilt-a-long. this first block was deceiving - it looked easier than it was! i am thinking i will be learning a TON through this quilt-a-long, but that’s the point.

my first lesson - i don’t like cutting little pieces! and that i CAN sew without a guide (and my quarter inch seams look like they’re better for it - just need to build that confidence, yo!) i learned about twirling seams, but i got lost in the pieces and the seams didn’t always end right - I should’ve ripped out everything, but the middle stayed pretty true to ending size, so i continued onward!


i was so happy with how well the colors were working together - i did decide to NOT do sixteen different colors for this middle section, but stuck with what i picked for the outside border and added one more color (the yellow). i was also happy with how nice my orange print trimmed down and added some nice variety. next, i built on to the center of the block.


i was still pretty happy with how the block was looking - i had lost some points, but didn’t think I was that far off…until I went to add the final section - then, this was where i could tell some measurements or seams were off. i did rip-out and re-sew a few times, but in the end, i said it was good enough - i don’t have to be perfect and called it good. my block is still beautiful to me and that’s what matters! in the end, it really is only one point that doesn’t line up.


i am so thrilled with how well the colors are working together, this block is still stunning!

i learned to trust my gut from the start and rip out when it doesn’t lay right (seam twirling). next, accurate measuring when cutting and taking my time. third, use real starch - i used best press and i don’t think it got the material stiff enough. finally, measure your overlap to confirm you had a 1/4 inch over - don’t do it by sight/eye.

this block is beautiful and i’ll likely make it again - be sure to go follow the #summersampler2019 hashtag on instagram - there are stunning blocks there! GREAT inspiration and there’s still time to join in!


summer sampler week two


queen of the ravens